What Does The Color Purple Mean In China?

Colors play an important role in many cultures and have deep symbolic meanings. In China, different colors represent different meanings and are often used in traditional cultural practices, such as in art, fashion, and even in the selection of auspicious dates for weddings and other celebrations. One of the colors with significant cultural meaning in China is purple.

what is Chinese purple and why is it so valuable?

Chinese purple is a color with deep cultural and historical significance in China. It is a rich and vibrant hue that is associated with prestige, luxury, and nobility. The origins of Chinese purple can be traced back to a rare shellfish called the Purple Sea Snail, which was found in limited regions and was used to extract a bright and distinctive purple dye. The production of this dye was a complex and costly process, making Chinese purple a rare and exclusive color.

During ancient times, Chinese purple was exclusively used by royalty and the nobility. It was a symbol of power, wealth, and prestige, and was often reserved for the emperor, queen, and other high-ranking officials. The use of this color was considered a privilege, and it was believed to bring good fortune and favor from the heavens.

Chinese purple was not only a symbol of wealth and power but was also associated with spirituality and the heavens. In traditional Chinese art and culture, purple is often used to depict celestial beings and symbols, such as dragons, phoenixes, and the Taoist deity known as the Purple Emperor. It was believed that wearing or surrounding oneself with purple objects could help stimulate the spleen and stomach meridians, leading to improved digestion and overall health.

The significance of Chinese purple extends beyond art and fashion. In traditional Chinese medicine, purple is associated with the spleen and stomach meridians, which are responsible for digestion and absorption. It is believed that wearing purple clothing or surrounding oneself with purple objects can help stimulate these meridians, leading to improved digestion and overall health.

The rarity and exclusivity of Chinese purple, along with its association with power, wealth, and spirituality, have contributed to its value over the centuries. In ancient times, Chinese purple was an expensive and luxurious color that only the most affluent could afford. Even today, it remains a highly valued color in Chinese culture and is often used in traditional clothing and accessories, as well as in modern fashion and design.

what does purple represent in China?

In ancient China, blue, red, yellow, white, and black were considered “proper colors,” while other colors were called “intermediate colors.” “Purple” was one of these intermediate colors and was therefore subject to criticism. Confucius said in the Analects of Confucius: “I hate that purple usurps the place of vermilion. I hate that the music of Zheng disorders the correct music.” Confucius equated the color purple with the sound of Zheng, separating the two as opposites of the noble “vermilion” and the correct music. This expression of preference or dislike was evident in his words. As a result, “purple” is often paired with another intermediate color, “red,” in phrases such as “red and purple disrupting the proper vermilion” and “red and purple usurping vermilion,” highlighting the opposition between elegance and vulgarity, good and evil, and propriety and deviance.

However, due to its favor with imperial power, the non-traditional status of “purple” was flipped 180 degrees, and many things related to the royal family were draped in “purple,” including the clothing, living arrangements, and transportation of feudal monarchs.

Therefore, in China, the color purple has the following connotations:

Nobility and luxury: In traditional Chinese culture, purple is a noble color that symbolizes extraordinary status, such as the Beijing Forbidden City, also known as the “Purple Forbidden City.” From a residential perspective, there are a group of words composed of “purple” in ancient China, which all refer to the palace and the imperial court. In addition, there are phrases such as “Purple Palace,” “Purple Pavilion,” “Purple Gate,” “Purple Door,” and “Purple Palace Gate,” all of which refer to the residence of the emperor.

Auspiciousness and dignity: Ancient Chinese literature states: “The North Star is in the Purple Palace, standing in his official robes. Containing harmony and establishing virtue, always receiving blessings from heaven.” Coupled with the worship of the North Star in ancient China, purple is therefore endowed with auspiciousness and the meaning of being blessed by heaven. Another phrase, “The Purple Qi Comes from the East,” is often used to indicate a sign of good fortune, which stems from the Taoist veneration of purple. Laozi is the founder of the Taoist school, and it is said that “Laozi went west, and Guan Lingyin was happy to see the purple Qi floating over the pass, while Laozi did indeed ride a blue ox across it.” Therefore, people often use “The Purple Qi Comes from the East” to indicate a sign of good fortune.

Mystery and melancholy: Purple exists in a state of fluctuation between warm and cool, and its low saturation properties often create a certain degree of psychological negativity, which makes it special. It often gives people a sense of unpredictability, making them unconsciously curious and longing to explore it.

Romantic and dreamy: Heavy purple gives people a feeling of oppression and difficulty to control. However, when white is added to it, creating a gradually lighter shade of lavender, it gives people a sense of softness and a romantic, dreamy feeling, such as lavender and lilac flowers, which are associated with romance.

is purple a lucky color in China?

Purple is considered a lucky color in China. In traditional Chinese culture, purple is associated with royalty, nobility, and power, and is often used to symbolize wealth, success, and prosperity. The color is also believed to bring good luck and fortune, especially when combined with other auspicious colors like red and gold. In addition, the phrase “purple air comes from the east” (紫气东来) is often used to describe an auspicious or fortunate event, further emphasizing the positive connotations of the color purple in Chinese culture.

purple in Chinese history

Purple has played an important role in Chinese history and culture. In ancient China, purple was considered an auspicious color and was reserved for the emperor and his family. It was a symbol of royalty, nobility, and power, and was used to decorate the imperial palace, imperial garments, and other imperial regalia.

During the Western Zhou dynasty (1046 BCE – 771 BCE), purple was considered one of the “five colors of virtue” and represented the virtue of loyalty. In the Han dynasty (206 BCE – 220 CE), purple was associated with the element of fire and was believed to have the power to expel evil spirits and bring good luck.

The first recorded popular color in Chinese history appeared during the Spring and Autumn Period in the state of Qi, when the Qi ruler Duke Huan of Qi wore a very special purple outfit. According to the book “Han Feizi·Wai Cang Shuo Zuo Shang”, Duke Huan of Qi loved wearing purple and the entire state followed suit. At that time, there were no colors that could compare to purple. Duke Huan was worried about this, so one day, a court official wore purple clothing. The next day, everyone in the country wore purple, and on the third day, even people in the surrounding areas wore purple.

Purple not only became popular in Qi, but also in the state of Lu. In the 17th year of Duke Ai of Lu, a senior official wore a “purple dress and fox fur coat.” According to the book “Zuo Zhuan·Duke Ai Seventeenth Year”, “A good man rode two horses, wore a purple dress and a fox fur coat. When he arrived, he took off his coat and ate without putting down his sword.” From today’s perspective, it is not only a domestic event but also an international one.

It is also worth noting that more than 100 years after Duke Huan’s death, people were still wearing purple.

The Tang dynasty (618 CE – 907 CE) was known for its love of purple, and many important figures of the time wore purple robes and used purple as a decorative color. The Tang imperial family even established a Purple Palace in the imperial city, which was used for important ceremonies and events.

During the Song Dynasty(961 CE – 1279 CE), there was also a unique official dress system, with four colors: purple, scarlet, green, and blue. Zhao Kuangyin stipulated that blue official dress was suitable for officials above the ninth rank, green for officials above the seventh rank, scarlet for officials above the fifth rank, and purple for officials above the third rank. After the Yuan Feng reform, blue official dress was discarded, and officials below the seventh rank could only wear green official dress. Officials above the sixth rank wore scarlet official dress, and officials above the fourth rank still wore purple official dress. The common people in the Song Dynasty were not allowed to wear purple because the imperial official dress was mainly purple. Color was one of the standards for ranking in the Song Dynasty dress system, so emperors who issued edicts prohibiting “common people from wearing purple” were not uncommon.

During the Ming Dynasty(1368 CE – 1644 CE), because the emperor’s surname was Zhu and Zhu means red, the originally prestigious purple was changed to red. The Ming Dynasty emperor Zhu’s surname meant that red had to be established as the correct color, and there is a saying in the Analects of Confucius, “He who would rule must first learn to serve” – this is why purple was abolished in the official dress. “But the high status of purple in the Ming Dynasty did not change. The Ming Dynasty palace was called the Purple Forbidden City. It is recorded in historical records that Emperor Wanli wore purple clothing when he traveled, indicating that purple clothing still maintained its prestigious status in the Ming Dynasty. In modern times, purple has been a prestigious color in China for more than a thousand years, and it is still one of the most prestigious colors in China’s fashion society.

The Qing Dynasty(1644 CE – 1911 CE) had only one color for official dress, and there was no purple, but it does not mean that the Qing Dynasty did not like purple. The earliest women in the Qing Dynasty were fond of purple and wore purple clothes, which was a new aesthetic trend during the Qing Dynasty. During the Qing Dynasty, women were encouraged by the government to wear purple clothes, which was widely accepted. The reason for this was that the Qing Dynasty government encouraged women to wear purple clothes to express its cultural and aesthetic values. The cultural concept of the Qing Dynasty believed that purple was the color of the monarch, so women wearing purple clothes could show

Overall, purple has been a symbol of power, prestige, and nobility throughout Chinese history, and continues to hold an important place in Chinese culture today.

how did they make purple in ancient China?

According to literature, there were two main methods for ancient Chinese people to obtain purple color:

Dyeing with purple gromwell

Plant dyeing was a common method of dyeing in ancient times, and pre-Qin literature records that people at that time used purple gromwell to dye purple. The “Guangzi Qingzhong Ding” states: “In ancient times, the people of Lai were good at dyeing. They dyed pure silk with pure purple gromwell, and dyed silk with purple gromwell as well.” Lai was an ancient country located in the southeast of Huang County in eastern Shandong Province. According to Zhu Siyanbo, “Liánzǐ” should be understood as “Zǐlián”. “Zǐ” means purple, and “lián” refers to the plant gromwell, indicating that the people of Lai used gromwell to dye purple because there was plenty of gromwell in their country. It is said that it took only one “zī” of gold (an ancient weight measurement) to dye one bundle of silk.

Here it is stated that the people of Lai used gromwell to dye clothing. “Zǐ” refers to purple, which is the color obtained from purple gromwell. According to records in the “Han Feizi”, the color purple was popular in the state of Qi, and Qi Huan Gong wanted to ban it. He asked Guan Zhong for advice, and Guan Zhong said, “Why not try not wearing purple clothes? Tell your subordinates: ‘I hate the smell of purple very much.'” Qi Huan Gong banned the wearing of purple under the pretext of “hating the smell of purple”, indicating that the purple color obtained from gromwell had a strong odor. However, purple gromwell does not have a special odor, so this is not consistent with the records in the “Han Feizi”. Therefore, the purple clothing worn by Qi Huan Gong was not dyed with plant dyes.

Dyeing with purple dye obtained from seashells

During the pre-Qin period, another method of dyeing purple was through the use of the purple dye obtained from seashells. There are many kinds of seashells in the world that can be used for dyeing, collectively referred to as “purple shell”, and the purple color obtained from them is called “shell purple”. Through literature records and studies of ancient dyeing techniques, it has been found that the people of Qi had mastered the dyeing technique of animal purple shells (seashells) to obtain purple. Wang Yuqing and others re-examined the interpretation of various dynasties in their paper “The Price and Dyeing of Purple Clothes in China”, pointing out that the “zǐzhòu” in the “Xunzi Wangzhi” (“Xunzi’s Discourse on Government”) refers to dyed seashells. This view is supported by Wang Qi, an expert in clothing history, especially since he obtained live seashells from Laizhou Bay on the Jiaodong Peninsula and was able to confirm it. A piece of purple silk with printed patterns and a cotton straight skirt with appliqué from the Mawangdui Han Tomb No.1 in Changsha and a piece of embroidered purple silk from the Han Tomb at the Beijing Baotaiping Mausoleum were unearthed, with a deep and bright color. According to Wang Qi’s identification, it is believed that the dye used was not plant dye purple gromwell, but animal dye shell purple.

what is han purple?

Han purple is a synthetic pigment that was first created during the Han dynasty in China, around 2200 years ago. It is a type of barium copper silicate and has a unique purple-blue color. Han purple was used in many ancient Chinese artifacts, including pottery, jewelry, and sculptures. It was also used as a cosmetic pigment for painting fingernails.

The synthesis of Han purple was a complex process, involving the heating of barium carbonate, copper oxide, and quartz sand to very high temperatures. The resulting pigment was very stable and durable, which helped to preserve many of the ancient artifacts that were colored with it.

Han purple has been studied by modern scientists, who have discovered some interesting properties of the pigment. For example, it exhibits superconductivity at very low temperatures and has been used to create new materials for electronic devices. The discovery of Han purple has helped to shed light on the advanced technological abilities of ancient Chinese artisans and scientists.

In 1992, American pigment scientists were surprised to find the same pigment on Han Dynasty artifacts in China. They named it “Han Purple” to commemorate it as an ancient Chinese purple pigment. According to Zhou Tie, a researcher at the Qin Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum, through comprehensive research, it has been preliminarily determined and proven that “Han Purple” is an invention and creation of ancient Chinese ancestors. The discovery of purple on terracotta warriors and horses indicates that the Chinese character had already been invented and used during the Qin Dynasty before the Han Dynasty.

Chinese purple terracotta warriors

In fact, the Terracotta Warriors and Horses are colored. The robes they wear on top are red, while the pants they wear below are either green or purple. If it is a red robe, the cuffs must have green edges or purple floral borders. These clothes used to be bright colors, but now they have turned into a brownish hue. This is because when they were excavated in 1974, they were suddenly exposed to a dry environment, causing the entire color layer to peel off. Among the various colors on the Terracotta Warriors and Horses, scientists are most interested in purple. This is because before the Industrial Revolution, humans could not synthesize purple on a large scale.

Archaeological excavations have shown that only the Egyptians who built the pyramids 5000 years ago could synthesize a small amount of Egyptian blue, which is composed of copper calcium silicate, to obtain purple light. About 4500 years ago, the ancient Maya people fused clay and foreground plants to produce a small amount of Maya blue. However, it was not until the appearance of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shihuang in the 1970s that people discovered that ancient Chinese people used purple thousands of years ago, and used it on a large scale. It should be noted that the first chemical synthetic pigment in the world at that time was Prussian blue, and its stable and bright blue component was ferrous ferricyanide, which was invented after the Industrial Revolution. Therefore, experts believe that ancient Egypt and ancient China may have had a long trade route. Ancient China had precious silk, and accumulated Egypt’s blue silicate copper, which was eventually applied to the huge underground legion. Only in this way could the Terracotta Warriors and Horses have bright purple.

However, researchers from Stanford University used micro-particles developed by infrared rays to detect the remnants of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses. They found that the purple pigment on the Terracotta Warriors and Horses is completely undiscovered in nature, and compared to Egyptian blue, the molecules look similar but are completely different. The purple on the Terracotta Warriors and Horses is not Egyptian copper calcium silicate, but copper barium silicate. Even more surprising, through the catalytic action of lead oxide, the purple of copper barium silicate can become even brighter and purer. Modern chemists have conducted various experiments and scientific and technological breakthroughs, and have found that copper barium silicate is soluble in water, and have successfully synthesized this substance using the latest scientific and technological advancements. In other words, the purple of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shihuang was created by large-scale craftsmen in China more than 2,200 years ago, and was unique to China. It was much earlier than Germany’s blue after the Industrial Revolution. Even more shocking is that modern science, while conducting superconductivity research, accidentally discovered that this unique purple material from the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shihuang can be used as a superconducting material.

why is purple important in Chinese culture?

Purple has historically been an important color in Chinese culture, particularly during the Han Dynasty (206 BCE – 220 CE) when it was associated with royalty and nobility. Here are a few reasons why:

Imperial color: Purple was considered the imperial color and was reserved exclusively for use by the emperor and his family. This was because the dye used to create purple fabric was extremely rare and expensive, and therefore only the wealthiest and most powerful members of society could afford to wear it.

Symbolism: In Chinese culture, purple represents wealth, power, and royalty. It is also associated with the idea of immortality and the afterlife.

Feng Shui: In feng shui, purple is believed to have the power to enhance spiritual awareness and promote physical and mental healing. It is often used in interior design to create a calming and serene atmosphere.

Traditional festivals: Purple is also often seen during traditional Chinese festivals, such as the Chinese New Year and the Mid-Autumn Festival. During these celebrations, purple lanterns and decorations are commonly used to symbolize prosperity and good fortune.

Overall, purple has played an important role in Chinese culture for centuries, and continues to be a significant color today.

What are some purple flowers?

  • Lavender, with its tall and elegant blue-purple flower spikes, is a dreamy and romantic flower that emits a delicate fragrance, bringing a sense of relaxation and joy.
  • Bellflowers, also known as harebells, have large bell-shaped flowers that come in purple, white, and blue. They bloom from July to September and prefer cool environments that can withstand the cold.
  • Chinese bellflower, with its sparse purple petals, is native to China, the Korean Peninsula, and Japan. It is a perennial herbaceous plant that can grow even in shady places and is easy to cultivate.
  • Sage, a fragrant plant, has some similarities with lavender in some ways. It is native to southern Europe and the Mediterranean coast.
  • Crepe myrtle has bright and colorful flowers with five different colors. It can purify the air and beautify the environment. Crepe myrtle likes fertilizers, and sufficient organic fertilizer should be applied during daily maintenance to promote vigorous growth.
  • Hyacinth is a perennial herbaceous bulbous plant with a bulb-shaped or flattened bulb, a membranous outer skin, and a purple-blue or white-colored outer membrane that is positively correlated with flower color. It looks like garlic when it has not yet bloomed.
  • Forget-me-nots have purple petals and belong to herbaceous flowering plants. They grow best at temperatures between 20-25 degrees Celsius and are best planted in loose, fertile, and well-drained soil, which is conducive to their healthy growth.
  • Mandrake flowers are generally grown in fields, river ponds, and mountain slopes. They like direct sunlight, and the stronger the light, the deeper the flower color.
  • Violets are native to the Mediterranean coast and are one of Europe’s famous flowers. They are widely cultivated in southern China and can be grown in gardens or greenhouses for viewing.
  • Lilacs bloom from May to June, with their flower heads forming a cone shape. The flowers come in light purple, purple-red, and blue, and the corolla tube is 6-8 millimeters long, with yellow stamens.

What are some purple fruits?

Some purple fruits include blueberries, grapes, mangosteens, mulberries, and plums.

Blueberries: Blueberries are a plant in the Vaccinium genus of the heath family, many of which have blue skins, but some are purple. They are rich in nutrients such as anthocyanins.

Grapes: Grapes are also one of the purple fruits. They have a unique flavor and can be eaten directly or used to make wine.

Mangosteens: Mangosteens are also known as the “queen of fruits.”

Mulberries: Mulberries bloom from March to May, and bear fruit in May to June. The fruit is purple and contains rich nutrients such as oxalic acid, fat, vitamins, amino acids, and carotene. They can be juiced or eaten directly.

Plums: Plums are part of the Rosaceae family and the Prunus genus. They are also known as Chilean plums, California plums, or French dates. Although they are called plums, they are actually a type of apricot plum and resemble apricots.

purple vegetables

Purple sweet potato: Rich in fiber, antioxidants and vitamin C, it can promote immune system and heart health.

Amaranth: Rich in protein, carotene, vitamins, and fiber, among other nutrients, it helps to replenish Qi, clear heat, improve eyesight and aid digestion.

Purple cabbage: Rich in vitamin C, fiber, protein and other nutrients, it also has the effect of enhancing gastrointestinal function, nourishing blood and invigorating Qi.

Purple perilla: Rich in vitamin C, coarse protein, as well as various trace elements such as calcium, phosphorus, and potassium, it has the effect of cooling blood, stopping bleeding, clearing heat and reducing swelling.

Eggplant: Contains a variety of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals such as calcium and phosphorus, which can reduce the cholesterol content in the body.

Purple onion: Contains anthocyanins, trace elements such as selenium, and other nutrients, which can lower cholesterol levels and help lower blood pressure and blood lipids.

Purple mung beans: Rich in fats, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and various trace nutrients, it has good antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, which can delay aging and improve immunity.

Purple corn: Contains various phenolic compounds, vitamins, nucleotides and other nutrients, which can help tissue cell regeneration, and has good antioxidant properties, promoting blood circulation and preventing cardiovascular diseases, and improving vision.

Purple yam: Contains a variety of nutrients such as sugars, proteins, and vitamins, which have a good nourishing effect on the body, helping to enhance the immune system and prevent various diseases.

Purple Bamboo

Purple Bamboo, also known as Black Bamboo or Water Bamboo, is a type of bamboo with purple-black stems that are soft and shiny. Its stems and leaves are a complementary purple-green color, making it a popular ornamental plant in gardens. Wild Purple Bamboo forests can be found in the southern part of Hunan province, near the border with Guangxi.

The roots of Purple Bamboo are long and cylindrical, with a diameter of 0.8-1.5 cm. They are either purple-red or purple-brown in color, with protruding nodes that are 1.5-3 cm long and circular root marks on the nodes. The quality of the root is judged by its hardness, with those that are more purple in color and have denser nodes being preferred.

Purple Bamboo is a herbaceous plant in the Poaceae family of the Bambusa genus. Its young stems are green, covered in fine soft hairs and white powder, with hairy nodes and red-brown or greenish sheaths on the back. They have no spots or tiny brown spots that are often densely packed at the top of the zinc sheath, covered in a small amount of white powder and sparse light brown prickles. The underground stem is a solitary type of bamboo. The leaves are small, narrow and lanceolate with a gradually elongated tip and thin texture. The flower branches are short and spike-like, with scales at the base that gradually increase in size. The shooting period is in late April.

Purple Bamboo is native to China and is found in various regions south of the Qinling Mountains. It prefers bright and warm, moist climates and is somewhat cold-resistant and shade-tolerant. It adapts well to a variety of soils, but thrives best in deep, fertile, moist, and well-drained slightly acidic soil. Purple Bamboo is usually propagated by transplanting a mother bamboo or burying a whip.

Purple Bamboo has the effects of clearing heat, promoting diuresis, detoxifying and relieving restlessness, and is used to treat high fever, night crying in children, and rabies. The color of the Purple Bamboo stems gradually turns into a variety of colors, such as green with purple spots or purple-black, as the plant ages. This gives it unique ornamental value and makes it a traditional bamboo for viewing in China. It can be planted in forests or arranged in a strip along the outside of a building, with green leaves, purple stems, and white walls complementing each other. The tough Purple Bamboo material can be used to make small furniture, canes, musical instruments, and handicrafts.

purple swallow

Ziyan is a Chinese term, spelled as “zǐ yàn”, which means “purple swallow”. It is also known as “Ziyanliu” and refers to a famous horse in ancient times. Ziyan was also the name of a species of swallow (also known as Yueyan) and is used to refer to excellent horses in general. In Chinese mythology, Ziyan is also one of the nine mythical birds.

Name of a swallow species. Also known as Yueyan or Hanyan, it is distributed in the Jiangnan region of China.

Name of a famous horse in ancient times. During the Han Dynasty, the general Zhou Lang had a prized horse named Ziyan. Ziyan was one of Emperor Wen of Han’s nine legendary horses, including Fuyun, Chidian, Juequn, Yibiao, Longzi, Linju, Juechen, Ziyuanliu, and Lvchongcong.Refers to excellent horses in general.

purple in feng shui

In feng shui, purple is considered a powerful and luxurious color that represents wealth, prosperity, and abundance. It is associated with the element of fire and the energy of transformation, making it a popular choice for areas related to creativity, spirituality, and personal growth.

Purple is also believed to have a calming effect on the mind and can promote peaceful and restful sleep when used in the bedroom. However, it is important to use purple in moderation as an excessive amount of this color can be overwhelming and may lead to restlessness or anxiety.

In terms of placement, purple is best used in areas where you want to enhance the energy of abundance and prosperity, such as the wealth corner (the southeast corner of the home), the home office, or the living room. It can be incorporated into decor items such as purple curtains, throw pillows, or artwork.

Overall, purple can be a powerful color to incorporate into your feng shui design, but it is important to use it in moderation and with intention to maximize its benefits.

purple in yin and yang meaning

In the concept of yin and yang, purple is often associated with spiritual awareness, enlightenment, and transformation. It is considered a color of balance and harmony, as it combines the calm stability of blue and the fiery energy of red.

In yin and yang philosophy, the color purple can represent the merging and balancing of opposing forces, such as the feminine and masculine energies, or the material and spiritual realms. It is also associated with creativity, intuition, and higher consciousness.

In Chinese culture, purple was traditionally considered a royal color, associated with wealth, power, and nobility. It was also believed to have healing properties and was used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat various ailments.

Overall, in the context of yin and yang, the color purple can represent the harmony and balance of opposing forces, as well as the spiritual and transformative aspects of life.

purple in five elements

In the Five Elements theory, which is a fundamental concept in traditional Chinese philosophy, purple is associated with the element of fire. Fire is one of the five basic elements that make up the universe and is associated with energy, passion, and transformation.

Within the Five Elements theory, each element is also associated with a particular organ, season, and direction. Fire is associated with the heart, summer, and the south. The heart is considered the “ruler” of the body and is associated with emotions, love, and joy. The summer season is a time of growth, abundance, and vitality, while the south represents warmth, light, and clarity.

Purple is also associated with the yin energy, which is feminine, passive, and receptive. Yin energy is associated with introspection, intuition, and spiritual connection.

In traditional Chinese culture, the color purple was often reserved for royalty, as it was believed to represent power, wealth, and prestige. The association of purple with fire suggests that it also represents passion, creativity, and transformation.

Overall, in the Five Elements theory, purple is associated with the element of fire, which represents energy, passion, and transformation, as well as with the heart, summer, and the south.

purple in Chinese new year

Purple is not a traditional color for Chinese New Year celebrations. In Chinese culture, red is the predominant color during the New Year, as it is believed to bring good luck, fortune, and happiness. The color red is associated with the element of fire and the zodiac sign of the dragon, which are both considered auspicious symbols.

However, in recent years, there has been a growing trend towards using other colors besides red during Chinese New Year celebrations. This is particularly true in urban areas and among younger generations who are more exposed to global cultures.

Purple, with its association with royalty, prestige, and spiritual connection, is sometimes used as a complementary color to red during Chinese New Year festivities. It may be used in decorations, such as lanterns and banners, or in clothing, such as dresses or accessories.

Purple has a high status among ancient colors, not only in the West but also in the East. There is an old Chinese saying “purple qi coming from the east”, which is a auspicious omen. “Da hong da zi” (big red, big purple) and “red to the point of turning purple” are used to describe a person’s prominent status and success. It is very appropriate to use this color during the festive atmosphere of Chinese New Year.

Overall, while purple is not a traditional color for Chinese New Year celebrations, its use during this time has become more common in recent years as a way to add variety and modern flair to the traditional festivities.

Purple at Chinese Wedding

In traditional Chinese weddings, red is the dominant color as it is considered to bring good luck, happiness, and fortune. However, in modern times, purple has become a popular complementary color to red in Chinese weddings.

Purple is associated with spiritual connection, passion, and creativity. It is often used in Chinese weddings to represent the couple’s deep love and commitment to each other, as well as their aspirations for a prosperous and harmonious future together.

Purple may be incorporated into the wedding decor, such as in flower arrangements, table settings, and invitations. Brides may also wear a purple qipao or other traditional Chinese dress, or incorporate purple elements into their wedding gown.

Additionally, some couples may choose to include purple in their wedding ceremonies through rituals or symbolic gestures. For example, they may exchange purple flowers or ribbons during the ceremony or incorporate purple decorations into the traditional Chinese tea ceremony.

Overall, while red remains the traditional and predominant color for Chinese weddings, purple has become a popular complementary color to add depth and richness to the celebration and to symbolize the couple’s love and aspirations for a happy future together.

purple in Chinese medicine

In traditional Chinese medicine, purple is associated with the meridian channels of the spleen and the heart. The spleen meridian is believed to regulate the transformation and transportation of food and body fluids, while the heart meridian is associated with emotions, mental activity, and blood circulation.

Purple is also associated with the concept of blood nourishment and is believed to have a tonifying effect on the blood. This is because purple foods, such as grapes, black beans, and purple sweet potatoes, contain anthocyanins, which are powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that can help improve blood circulation and reduce inflammation.

Additionally, purple is associated with the concept of spiritual energy and is believed to have a calming and harmonizing effect on the mind and spirit. In traditional Chinese culture, purple was often used in clothing and decorations for emperors and high-ranking officials, as it was believed to promote wisdom, insight, and spiritual connection.

Overall, in traditional Chinese medicine, purple is associated with the spleen and heart meridians, blood nourishment, and spiritual energy. Foods and herbs that are purple in color are believed to have therapeutic effects on the body and mind.

purple in Chinese Festival

Qixi Festival – Purple Valentine’s Day: On Qixi Festival, the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl meet on the Magpie Bridge as promised, when the Purple Yang Flowers (purple hydrangeas) are in full bloom. Therefore, it is also known as “Purple Valentine’s Day”. Purple Valentine’s Day is determined by the time when the purple flowers are in full bloom. The purple flower, also known as the hydrangea, blooms during the rainy season (in the summer). Because the flowers go through many color changes from blooming to withering, including red, blue, green, and cyan, they represent a colorful and happy life. The deep to light purple color is also a symbol of change, so purple represents the Purple Yang Flower, not because it is easily changeable, but to allow us to be happy during the rainy season by bravely changing our own colors.

Mid-Autumn Festival: The traditional color of the Mid-Autumn Festival is a light purple, representing reunion and tranquility, and expressing good wishes for family and distant relatives.

purple in mythology

In Chinese mythology, the color purple is associated with a few different aspects. One of the most notable associations is with the concept of immortality and spiritual attainment.

In Taoist mythology, the highest realm of existence is known as the “Purple Palace,” which is said to be the home of the Taoist Jade Emperor and the location of the Throne of Enlightenment. The Purple Palace is associated with the ultimate goal of spiritual cultivation and enlightenment, which is to attain the state of immortality and union with the divine.

Purple is also associated with the Five Elements in Chinese philosophy, where it represents the element of fire. The Purple Flame is considered a particularly powerful and spiritual manifestation of fire, and it is associated with the sun, which is sometimes depicted as a purple disc.

Additionally, purple is sometimes associated with the divine feminine in Chinese mythology. The goddess Guanyin, who represents compassion and mercy, is sometimes depicted wearing a purple robe. Similarly, the goddess Doumu, who is associated with fertility and childbirth, is sometimes depicted as wearing a purple headdress.

Overall, the color purple is associated with spirituality, power, and the divine in Chinese mythology.

Ziwei Emperor

Emperor Ziwei, also known as Purple Micro-Yuan, is an important deity in Chinese astrology and Taoism. In Chinese astrology, Ziwei refers to the North Star, which is believed to be the center of the universe and the source of all energy. Emperor Ziwei is associated with this star and is considered to be a powerful celestial being who governs the movement of the stars and the fates of individuals.

In Taoism, Emperor Ziwei is regarded as one of the highest-ranking deities and is believed to have the power to confer blessings and grant wishes. He is also associated with the concept of “purple,” which is considered a symbol of royalty and divine authority in Chinese culture. In this context, the Purple Emperor and Emperor Ziwei are often used interchangeably to refer to the same deity.

The Purple Emperor is also associated with the concept of the Purple Palace, which is believed to be a heavenly realm where the gods reside. In Taoist mythology, the Purple Palace is said to be located in the center of the universe and is guarded by the Four Heavenly Kings, including the Purple Emperor.

Overall, the Purple Emperor and Emperor Ziwei are both important figures in Chinese mythology and represent the power and authority of the heavens. They are revered for their ability to protect and guide individuals and are associated with the highest levels of spiritual attainment in Chinese culture.

purple in Taoism

In Taoism, the color purple is considered a symbol of spiritual attainment, as well as royalty and power. The concept of “purple” is associated with the highest level of spiritual cultivation, and individuals who have achieved this level of attainment are said to have a “purple aura” or “purple energy.” This is why the Purple Emperor, who represents the highest level of spiritual attainment, is associated with the color purple.

In Taoist alchemy, the transformation of the body and mind is often described in terms of the “purple energy” that is generated during the practice of inner alchemy. This energy is believed to be associated with the highest spiritual level and is often referred to as the “purple spirit.”

The Purple Palace, which is associated with the Purple Emperor, is also believed to be a place of spiritual attainment and is considered the center of the universe in Taoist cosmology. It is said to be located at the North Pole and is guarded by the Four Heavenly Kings, including the Purple Emperor.

Overall, the color purple holds great significance in Taoism, representing the highest levels of spiritual cultivation and the power and authority of the heavens. It is a symbol of royalty and divine authority, as well as spiritual attainment and enlightenment.

purple in Confucianism

In Confucianism, the color purple is also associated with royalty and power, but it has a slightly different connotation than in Taoism. In Confucianism, purple is often associated with the emperor or the imperial family, and is considered a symbol of authority and dignity.

During the Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BCE), purple was reserved exclusively for the emperor and his family. Only they were allowed to wear clothes dyed with purple, which was made from a rare and expensive dye extracted from a type of mollusk. This practice continued through later dynasties, and even today the use of purple is still associated with royalty and nobility in Chinese culture.

In Confucianism, the use of purple as a symbol of imperial power reflects the emphasis on the importance of social hierarchy and order. Confucianism emphasizes the importance of respect for authority and the maintenance of social harmony, and the color purple is a visual representation of these values.

Overall, while the color purple is associated with royalty and power in both Taoism and Confucianism, its meaning and significance differ slightly between the two traditions. In Taoism, purple represents the highest level of spiritual attainment, while in Confucianism it is associated with the emperor and the importance of social order and hierarchy.

purple in Buddhism

In Buddhism, the color purple or violet is considered a sacred color that represents the highest levels of spiritual attainment and enlightenment. The color purple is associated with the highest level of consciousness and the highest level of spiritual purity.

In Buddhism, the color purple is often used to represent the concept of wisdom or “prajna” in Sanskrit. Wisdom is one of the three essential components of the path to enlightenment, along with morality and concentration. It is considered the highest of the three components and is associated with the ability to see reality as it truly is.

In addition, the color purple is also associated with the crown chakra, which is the seventh chakra in the body’s energy system. The crown chakra is located at the top of the head and is associated with spiritual connection and enlightenment.

Overall, the color purple in Buddhism represents the highest levels of spiritual attainment, wisdom, and enlightenment. It is a symbol of spiritual purity and the ultimate goal of the Buddhist path.

Purple at Chinese funerals

In Chinese culture, the color purple is generally not used in funerals or mourning. Traditionally, black and white are the primary colors associated with funerals and mourning in Chinese culture.

The use of the color purple at a funeral in Chinese culture may be considered inappropriate or even disrespectful. This is because purple is associated with royalty, power, and spiritual attainment, which are not appropriate themes for a funeral or a time of mourning.

However, it’s important to note that Chinese funeral customs and practices can vary depending on regional and individual differences. In some regions, for example, purple may be used in funeral decorations or clothing as a way to honor the deceased and express gratitude for their life.

Overall, while purple is generally not used in Chinese funerals and mourning, it’s important to be aware of regional and cultural differences and to respect the customs and practices of the specific community or family involved.

purple dream meaning

  • In dreams, the color purple is associated with mystery, luck, and power. Dreaming of purple things also symbolizes personal and spiritual growth.
  • For men, dreaming of purple indicates that you are a social master, often exhibiting unique charm in your interactions with others.
  • For women, dreaming of purple suggests that you are very attractive and others may perceive you as having a mysterious aura.
  • Dreaming of wearing purple clothes signifies that a turning point in your luck is about to come, and good things are on the way.
  • If you dream of someone else wearing purple clothes, it implies that someone around you may cause conflict or quarrels.
  • Dreaming of purple flowers indicates that you will achieve admirable success.
  • Dreaming of purple clouds suggests that you will encounter strong opponents, or in real-life situations, you may feel suppressed and unable to stand out.
  • Dyeing your hair purple in a dream predicts that your recent luck is not good, and something unfortunate may happen to you, such as your home being burglarized.
  • Dreaming of a purple cake is a good omen and suggests that your life will be very happy.

In conclusion, the color purple has deep cultural and historical significance in China. It represents wealth, power, and nobility, as well as spirituality and the heavens. While it is a highly valued color in many settings, it is important to be mindful of its negative connotations in certain contexts, such as funerals.

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