What Does Peach Symbolism In China? (25 main points)

In China, peaches hold a significant place in both mythology and culture. They are considered a symbol of longevity, prosperity, and good luck. The symbolism of peaches can be traced back to ancient times, and it continues to hold great importance in Chinese culture to this day.

what is a Peaches?

Peaches are a type of fruit that belongs to the genus Prunus, which also includes plums, apricots, and cherries. The scientific name for peaches is Prunus persica, and they are believed to have originated in China over 8,000 years ago.

Peaches are a popular fruit worldwide due to their sweet and juicy flesh, as well as their versatility in cooking and baking. They are also a good source of vitamin C, dietary fiber, and potassium. In addition to being a nutritious food, peaches have also played an important cultural and symbolic role in Chinese society for centuries.

where do Peaches grow?

Peaches are native to China and have been cultivated there for thousands of years. Today, they are widely grown in many parts of the world with warm temperate climates, including the United States, Spain, Italy, and Greece. In the US, peaches are commonly grown in the southeastern states, such as Georgia, South Carolina, and California. Peaches require a lot of sunlight and well-drained soil to thrive, and they are typically harvested in the summer months, from May to September in the Northern Hemisphere.

where are Peaches from?

Peaches are believed to have originated in China, where they have been cultivated for thousands of years. The exact origin of the peach is unclear, but it is believed to have originated in the region between the Tarim Basin and the north slopes of the Kunlun Mountains in northwest China. From there, the peach spread to other parts of China, and eventually to other parts of the world through trade and cultural exchange.

Today, peaches are widely grown in many parts of the world, including the United States, Italy, Spain, Greece, France, Turkey, and Australia. However, China remains the largest producer of peaches in the world, with over half of the world’s peaches being grown there. In fact, the peach is considered one of China’s “Three Divine Fruits,” along with the plum and the apricot, and is highly revered in Chinese culture.

Peaches in Chinese History

Around six to seven thousand years ago, Chinese ancestors were already consuming peaches. Of course, at that time, peaches were likely wild, and people had not yet consciously cultivated them.

Not only archaeological discoveries, but also written records, are evidence of this. The earliest record of peaches in China should be in the Shan Hai Jing, which describes how Kuafu, after chasing the sun to his death, transformed into a peach forest. However, this is a mythological story, and the date of composition of the Shan Hai Jing remains a mystery, with the original author unknown. However, a rough estimate is that it was written before the Warring States period, around the same time as the Book of Songs, the Book of Documents, and the Zuo Zhuan.

The birthplace of peaches is in China, and archaeological discoveries have found ancient peach pits at the Hemudu Site. The earliest written records appeared during the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, when people had already begun to consciously cultivate peaches and give them a certain mythological meaning.

After the Han Dynasty opened up the Silk Road, many crops and fruits were brought in. However, there were also things taken out, such as peaches, which were brought to Persia at that time and then flowed into Greece, the Roman Empire, and eventually into Europe. This is also why Europeans named peaches “Persian fruit,” when in fact the true origin was in China.

different types of peach names

There are many records of peach varieties in China. “Xijing Zaji” recorded that in the 1st century BC, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty built the “Shangzhu Garden” in the capital city, and among the exotic fruits contributed by the court officials, there were varieties such as Qintao, Sitao, Xianghetao, Jinchengtao, Qiditao, Chaiwentao, and Shuangtao. In Guo Yigong’s “Guangzhi”, “Dongtao, Qiutao, Xiangtao, and Chitao” were added. With the continuous improvement of grafting and cultivation techniques, peach tree varieties have become increasingly diverse and numerous. Jia Sixie recorded nearly 20 peach tree varieties in his book “Qimin Yaoshu” in the 6th century AD. In the Song Dynasty, Zhou Shihou’s “Luoyang Huamu Ji” recorded more than 30 peach tree varieties in Luoyang alone. In the Ming Dynasty, Wang Xiangjin’s “Qun Fang Pu” recorded more than 40 peach tree varieties.

Today, the most important peach variants include: oil peach, pán táo (flat peach), shòu xīng táo (longevity peach), and bì táo (jade peach). Oil peach and pán táo are both cultivated as fruit trees, while shòu xīng táo and bì táo are mainly used for ornamental purposes. Shòu xīng táo can also be used as a dwarfing rootstock for peach trees.


Peaches symbolism Chinese culture

Auspicious health

Peaches have the auspicious meaning of health and longevity, and are a symbol of folk customs that represent long life and good health. Giving a potted peach tree to a teacher or elder expresses the hope that they will have good health and long life. Peach blossoms also have high ornamental value and can be placed indoors to beautify the environment.

In the novel “Journey to the West,” there is a scene where the Queen Mother of the West holds a Peach Banquet and sends her fairy maidens to pick peaches. However, in the end, Sun Wukong eats all the peaches, leaving the fairies with only small ones. In this story, peaches have the ability to prolong life and are a symbol of longevity.

Longevity is an important attribute that humans attribute to peaches. In many folk tales, peaches are regarded as a treasure for health and longevity. In the book “Shan Hai Jing – Overseas Northern Classics,” peaches are a symbol of vitality. There is a story about a tribal leader named Kuafu who wanted to pluck the sun and place it in people’s hearts during the time of the emperor’s dynasty. He began to chase the sun every day but died of thirst on the way because of the lack of water. In the end, his staff turned into a peach forest, continuing his vitality and keeping him alive forever.

There are several different versions of the peach and longevity story. One version is about the military strategist Sun Bin during the Warring States period. At the age of only eighteen, Sun Bin went to Mount Yunmeng to study military tactics with Guiguzi. He spent more than ten years studying there. One day, Sun Bin suddenly remembered that his mother’s eightieth birthday was coming up. In order to go home and visit his mother, Sun Bin asked Guiguzi for leave. Guiguzi granted him the leave and gave him a peach as a congratulatory gift. Unexpectedly, after Sun Bin’s mother ate the peach, her appearance visibly became younger. This miraculous event spread, and people began to follow Sun Bin’s example, giving their parents peaches as gifts to pray for their longevity and health. In that backward era when peaches were only a seasonal fruit, people would make peach-shaped cakes from flour to pray for longevity, known as Shoutao.

There is also a folk legend about the origin of the God of Longevity. It is said that a star fell from the sky and was reincarnated as a farmer’s wife. However, after twelve months, the baby was still not born. The farmer was very anxious and spoke to her belly, asking when the baby would come out. The baby replied, stating its origin and that it needed to eat ten peaches from Mount Nanshan to return to the heavenly court. But the farmer did not want the baby to go back directly, so she called the baby out when they reached the ninth peach on the tree. As a result, the baby turned into an old man who could not live as long as those in heaven. He produced a peach, and the farmer immediately became younger after eating it.

These folk tales about peaches and longevity represent people’s longing and pursuit of a long and healthy life.

3 Chinese gods

Sweet first love

Peaches symbolize sweet first love, as the fruit is green and sour before it ripens and turns orange or pink and becomes sweet and juicy. Just like the bittersweet experience of first love, you can give peaches to the girl you like on Valentine’s Day.

Among many literary works, the symbolic significance of peaches in love is particularly prominent. For example, in the recent hit TV series “Eternal Love”, peaches represent the love between the main characters. Similarly, in the “Book of Songs”, the growth of peaches reveals the happiness and harmony between a woman and her husband throughout their married life.

In daily life, we also often use “peach” to describe someone’s love fortune. For example, if a single person finds their significant other, we might say they have “peach blossom luck”. But if the person they meet is not a good match, we might call it a “peach blossom disaster”.

Generally speaking, peaches symbolize women. A beautiful woman is often compared to a flower, and if she is as beautiful as a peach blossom, it means she is extremely attractive. However, as we know, a woman’s beauty has a limited shelf life, and after a brief moment, it will fade away. This is just like the short blooming period of peach blossoms, which quickly come and go.

When peaches symbolize women, it is natural to associate them with emotions and romantic affairs between men and women. For example, the “Peach Blossom Love” between Duke Ling of Wei and Mi Zixia was a suspected affair. One time, Mi Zixia offered Duke Ling a delicious peach, and instead of getting angry, he praised her for thinking of him. But when Mi Zixia grew old and lost her beauty, Duke Ling used this incident as an excuse to criticize her, saying she gave him the leftover peach. This tragic love affair is known as the “Peach Blossom Love”.

Abundance of children and happiness

Peaches symbolize an abundance of children and happiness, as peach trees have high yields and their branches are full of peaches. You can give a potted peach tree to friends who are about to get married to wish them the early birth of noble children, or you can place a peach tree in your own home.

Maintenance and management

When caring for peach trees, it is necessary to thin out the flowers and buds during their blooming period. You can use sharp scissors to cut off the more densely packed flower buds on the plant, which will allow the peach tree to produce sweeter fruit. After the peach tree bears fruit, you need to cover the fruit with plastic bags to keep them warm and moist and increase the tree’s yield.

Inherited and multiplied peaches

Peaches represent not only longevity but also the propagation and inheritance of human life. Firstly, the abundant fruit on each peach tree symbolizes the idea of “more children, more blessings” in human perception. Therefore, peaches have the significance of nurturing life and passing it down to future generations.

As mentioned earlier, peaches also have the symbolic meaning of longevity, making them an extraordinary fruit with the ability to ward off evil spirits. This protective quality not only safeguards life but also adds a connotation of good fortune and inheritance to peaches. For example, the phrase “peaches and plums fill the world” implies students and education, which also carries the connotation of inheritance.

There is also a theory that in the primitive matriarchal society, women were primarily responsible for gathering, which led them to have frequent interactions with plants and a deeper understanding of them. During this time, humans became aware of the abundant fruit of peaches. Women’s fertility was then associated with peaches, making them a symbol of reproductive worship.

In the poem “Peach Blossom” from the Book of Songs, a woman’s fertility is already associated with peaches: “Peach blossoms are fragrant, and the fruit is abundant. The daughter marries and goes to a good family. The peach tree has a lot of leaves and branches, and the daughter returns home with a happy family. The peach leaves are lush, and the fruit is plentiful. The daughter returns home with a happy family.” From the luxuriant branches of peach trees to the abundant fruit, the poem portrays the stages of a woman’s life, from marriage to having children, and finally to growing old with her husband. Peaches thus depict the entire life journey of a woman.

The Ambiguity of Peaches: Ambition and Retreat from Society

Peaches, which have long been praised by people, actually carry some less positive connotations, as evidenced by the ancient Chinese fable of “Two Peaches Kill Three Warriors” from the Spring and Autumn period. According to the legend, there were three brave warriors under Duke Jing of Qi, who were very capable and had made great military achievements. However, they became arrogant and even disrespected the prime minister Yan Ying. To prevent them from becoming a threat in the future, Yan Ying suggested that they be eliminated, which Duke Jing agreed to. Taking advantage of Yan Ying’s loneliness, Duke Jing invited the three warriors to a gathering and gave each of them two precious peaches. The method of obtaining the peaches was to determine who had the greatest military merit, and they were required to evaluate their own achievements. In the end, all three warriors boasted of their own accomplishments, and they lost their lives due to the peaches. Yan Ying effortlessly completed the task.

In this fable, peaches are associated with ambition, fame, and fortune, symbolizing the pursuit of fame and wealth. However, this imagery is relatively rare in peach culture, as people prefer to focus on the delicious and beautiful aspects of peaches.

Many of us have read “The Peach Blossom Spring,” a classic Chinese essay. The protagonist of the story accidentally discovered a “paradise on earth” called Peach Blossom Spring while fishing along a stream. The environment was beautiful and pleasant, and the people were kind and harmonious with each other, treating outsiders warmly. Because of his arrival, every household brought out fine food and wine, inviting him to be their guest.

In this place, there was no cruel war, heavy taxes, social climbing, or scheming. Instead, there was only beauty and tranquility. However, this is ultimately just the author’s imagination of an ideal world and an escape from reality. As a result, peaches also carry the meaning of retreat from society, but this is just one interpretation. From all the positive aspects of Peach Blossom Spring, it still represents the pursuit of a better life that exists in people’s hearts.

Peaches Chinese Mythology story

Story 1

The Shanhaijing records the story of Kuafu chasing the sun, and before dying, he threw his staff, which turned into a peach grove. Kuafu was a hero who chased the sun, and the peach grove formed from his staff naturally had a divine aura that could expel ghosts and monsters. The earliest Spring Festival couplets in China were made of peach wood, also known as peach symbols. Wang Anshi’s poem “Yuan Ri” in the Song Dynasty says, “The sun shines through thousands of doors and windows, and new peach symbols replace old ones,” telling the story of the allusion of peach wood couplets.

Story 2

The Book of Rites records that peaches are one of the five fruits (peaches, plums, apricots, almonds, and jujubes) used to worship immortals. The mythical story tells of the use of peaches at the birthday banquet of the Queen Mother of the West. In the ancient Chinese novel “Han Wu Inside Story,” it is said that the Queen Mother of the West invited Emperor Han Wu to eat fairy peaches, and he wanted to take the seeds back to plant them. However, the Queen Mother of the West said, “This peach tree bears fruit once every three thousand years, and cannot be grown in the mortal world.”

Story 3

According to legend, the annual Peach Blossom Festival is held on the third day of the third lunar month to celebrate the birthday of the Queen Mother of the West. On that day, the Queen Mother holds a grand feast featuring peaches as the main food, inviting all the immortals to attend and wish her a happy birthday. This event is known as the Peach Blossom Festival, which is both grand and solemn. The lower-level gods and goddesses must be careful with their behavior during the festival, or they will be severely punished by the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother of the West is a fairy who resides on the Kunlun Mountains in western China and is also the highest goddess of the Chinese Taoist pantheon. Her birthday is celebrated on the 18th day of the seventh lunar month in the Jade Pool of the Queen Mother of the West. Legend has it that there are 3,600 peach trees in the Queen Mother’s peach garden, with the first 1,200 trees bearing small flowers and fruits that mature every three thousand years. Eating these peaches will make people become immortals and achieve enlightenment. The middle 1,200 trees bear fruits every six thousand years. Eating these peaches will make people rise up to the heavens and live forever. The last 1,200 trees bear purple-patterned and fine-nucleus fruits that mature every nine thousand years. Eating these peaches will make people live as long as the heaven and earth, and as long as the sun and moon.

Story 4

Legend has it that there is a world of ghosts.

In the center of this world lies a mountain, on which there grows a giant peach tree that covers three thousand miles. At the top of the tree sits a golden rooster.

Every morning when the rooster crows, the wandering ghosts that were out at night must rush back to the ghost world.

The gate to the ghost world is located in the northeast of the peach tree, guarded by two gods named Shentu and Yulei.

If a ghost has done something wicked during the night, Shentu and Yulei will immediately catch it and tie it up with a rope made of reeds, then send it to feed the tigers.

Therefore, ghosts all over the world fear Shentu and Yulei.

People carved their likeness out of peach wood and placed them at their doorsteps to ward off evil and danger.

Later, people simply carved their names onto peach wood boards, believing that this could also drive away evil spirits.

These peach wood boards came to be called “taofu” in Chinese.

Since ancient times, the Chinese have believed that peaches have the power to ward off evil spirits.

peach Chinese symbol

Peach is a significant symbol in Chinese culture, often representing longevity, prosperity, and immortality. In Chinese mythology, it is believed that peaches possess magical properties, granting immortality to those who eat them. The peach is also associated with the goddess Xi Wangmu, who is known as the Queen Mother of the West and is revered as a symbol of female power and authority. In Chinese art, peaches are commonly depicted in various forms, such as paintings, sculptures, and embroidery, as a symbol of good fortune, abundance, and happiness.


Peaches in feng shui

Choosing the color of peaches

When choosing peach ornaments, the color is also very important. According to feng shui theory, red represents fire, which can bring passion, vitality, and vitality, while pink represents peach blossom, which can help enhance interpersonal relationships and bring a happy marriage. Therefore, red and pink peach ornaments are good choices.

Placement of peach ornaments

The placement of peach ornaments also has certain requirements. Generally, peach ornaments should be placed in wealthy and auspicious places, such as the dining room, living room, bedroom, etc. If you live in an apartment or a building, you can also choose to place it at the entrance or on the balcony to lead in auspicious energy. Avoid placing peaches near the toilet or garbage can.

Placement method of peach ornaments

The placement method of peach ornaments is also very important, and different placement methods will have different effects. For example, pairing peaches with bead strings, green plants, and other ornaments can enhance the auspicious energy of peaches; placing peaches on furniture with a mirror effect can amplify their auspicious energy.

The feng shui effects of peach trees

Avoiding disasters and ensuring safety: Peach trees not only have ornamental value, but also play an important role in avoiding disasters. People still plant peach trees today for this purpose.

Protecting the house: Peach trees have the function of protecting the house. They can resist the bad energy from the outside and prevent the invasion of evil spirits, which will damage the family’s feng shui and affect their financial fortune.

Resolving negative energy: Peachwood itself has the function of exorcism, and it belongs to sharp objects. Therefore, when encountering bad energy, it can be resolved to prevent the entire family’s feng shui pattern from being destroyed.

Avoiding evil spirits: Family members will specifically tie some peachwood at their children’s bedside to avoid evil spirits. In rural areas, this is very common, because the function of peach trees in avoiding evil spirits is so powerful that almost every family will prepare some peach branches for their children.

Meaning of Peach Tree Feng Shui:

In feng shui, peach tree is considered a symbol of longevity and is associated with the three stars of fortune, prosperity, and longevity.

Planting a peach tree in the southwest direction of the yard is believed to promote health and longevity, while planting it in the south direction is associated with joy and celebration. Planting it in the southeast direction is believed to bring prosperity, and planting it in the west direction is associated with good relationships and career success.

Beliefs about Peach Tree Feng Shui:

To grow a peach tree in one’s home, it is important to have enough space since peach trees can grow quite large and fast. Therefore, providing sufficient space for the peach tree to grow is crucial.

Placement of Peach Tree:

The placement of the peach tree also requires attention since the tree can be quite large. While there are many possible locations for the peach tree, it can also be placed in the living room to enhance the feng shui of the space.

Feng Shui Taboos for Planting Peach Trees

Peach trees should only be planted in the backyard. If planted in the front yard, it is believed that ghosts reside in the tree and the roots may penetrate the house, causing harm to people’s lives.

Feng Shui of Planting Peach Trees at Home

Easy to attract evil spirits: Peachwood has the effect of repelling evil spirits, but peach trees are easy to attract them. Planting peach trees at home can bring about misfortune and is not beneficial to the family’s feng shui. Therefore, peach trees should not be planted in the front yard or backyard.

Disruptive life energy field: Although peach blossoms are beautiful, they can easily mislead people and disrupt their normal energy flow, leading to illness. The life energy field produced by peach trees does not harmonize with the feng shui of the home, which can affect our health.

Is Planting Peach Trees in the Courtyard Good for Feng Shui?

According to feng shui, peach trees are known as “executioners” and are prone to attracting evil spirits. Therefore, it is believed that planting peach trees in the courtyard can bring about misfortune. However, it is important to note that peach wood is effective in repelling evil spirits, not peach trees. Therefore, it is not suitable to plant peach trees in the courtyard.

Is Planting Peach Trees in Front of the Door Good for Feng Shui?

Planting peach blossoms in front of the door can bring about good luck in love. If there are single people in the family, planting peach blossoms on both sides of the front door can improve their romantic prospects.

Is Planting Peach Trees on the Balcony Good for Feng Shui?

Peach trees are considered to be one of the five elements and have the ability to ward off evil spirits. However, there is a balance between yin and yang, and between mutual generation and mutual restraint. Therefore, it is not recommended to plant peach trees on the balcony. Other plants, such as flowers, are more suitable for balcony planting.


Peaches in Yin and Yang

Peaches have a significant symbolic meaning in Chinese culture and are often associated with longevity and good fortune. In traditional Chinese medicine, peaches are believed to have nourishing and healing properties and are commonly used in herbal remedies.

In Chinese mythology, peaches are also closely associated with Yin and Yang, the two complementary forces that govern the universe. The peach is said to represent the Yin, which is associated with the feminine, coolness, and stillness. The peach tree, on the other hand, represents the Yang, which is associated with the masculine, warmth, and activity.

In Taoist tradition, it is believed that peaches grow in the gardens of the immortals and are considered the fruit of the gods. The peaches of immortality are said to ripen only once every 3,000 years, and those who eat them will live forever.

Overall, peaches are considered to be a highly auspicious symbol in Chinese culture and are often featured in art, literature, and other forms of cultural expression.


Peaches Chinese new year

Peaches are believed to bring good luck and ward off disease and disasters when eaten during the Lunar New Year due to their homophonic association with “escaping”. They are thought to represent a sweet and prosperous new year, filled with good luck and fortune. If fresh peaches are not available during the Spring Festival, canned peaches can be eaten as a substitute.

Starfruit, on the other hand, has a negative connotation in feng shui due to its homophonic association with “male escaping”. Planting a starfruit tree in the home is seen as having an unfavorable meaning. However, some believe that “escaping” is a term used for those who face challenges and obstacles, implying that starfruit symbolizes safety and security. Its meaning is clear: escaping danger and living in peace, with good fortune coming naturally.

According to legend, the power of the peach wood stick is immense, and even a light tap on a ghost can cause it to scream in agony. Therefore, all ghosts are afraid of Shen Tu and Yu Lei and their peach wood sticks.

As a result, people carved their likeness out of peach wood and placed them at their doorstep to ward off evil spirits and prevent harm.

Later on, people simply carved the names of Shen Tu and Yu Lei onto peach wood boards and believed that doing so could also ward off evil spirits.

These peach wood boards were later called “Tao Fu.” The poem “Yuan Ri” by the Northern Song Dynasty politician Wang Anshi reads: “Amidst the sound of firecrackers ringing in the New Year, the warm spring breeze brings good tidings. The sun shines brightly upon every door, and new peach charms replace the old ones.”

Over time, the tradition of hanging peach charms during the Lunar New Year evolved into the modern-day custom of posting couplets during the holiday.


peaches on Chinese birthday

Shoutao, originally from mythology, refers to a peach that can prolong life. Later on, people use fresh peaches, peach-shaped pastries, or drawings of peaches as symbols of longevity. Since peaches have positive connotations, they are the most suitable gift for elders’ birthdays. Elderly people who receive such “shoutao” gifts are very happy.

Sending shoutao as a birthday gift has become one of China’s traditional customs, and its meaning has exceeded the nutritional value of peaches. More importantly, it symbolizes a good blessing from the younger generation to the elderly, as well as filial piety to parents. It is a virtue that has been passed down, inherited, and developed by the Chinese nation for thousands of years, and can be fully reflected through the gift of shoutao.

Why do peaches hold such an important position during birthday celebrations?

This is probably related to the ancient Chinese people’s belief in peach trees and the myth of Xi Wangmu. The “Classic of Mountains and Seas” records: “There is a tree in the east, fifty zhang tall, called the peach tree. Its fruit is three chi and three cun in diameter, and eating it is delicious and can prolong life.” It can be seen that the peach tree is a divine tree, and its fruit can promote longevity.

“The Collection of Forgotten Lore” also records: “The Pangtang Mountain is fifty thousand li away from the Fusang. The sun does not reach there. When the land is cold, there are thousands of peach trees, with blue-black flowers, and eating one can live for ten thousand years.” The peach trees on the Pangtang Mountain can be eaten once every ten thousand years, so if people eat them, they can naturally live longer.

Xu Jian, a Tang Dynasty scholar, cited the “Dictionary of Etymology” in Volume 28 of his “Records of Learning”, saying: “The peach tree is the essence of the five woods. Therefore, it suppresses evil spirits and controls hundreds of ghosts. Therefore, people now make peach talismans to suppress evil spirits. This is an immortal tree.” Here, the peach tree has been officially recognized as a divine tree, and since it is called “immortal”, it naturally has the meaning of longevity.

As for the custom of presenting “longevity peaches” to people, it can be traced back to the legend of Xi Wangmu presenting peaches to Emperor Wu of Han. According to Chinese folklore, Emperor Wu of Han admired the way of immortals, and Xi Wangmu sent messengers to inform him that she would come at a certain time. At the seventh watch on the evening of the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, Xi Wangmu arrived on the west side of Emperor Wu’s palace on a cloud car. There were three green birds standing by her side. Xi Wangmu presented Emperor Wu with five large peaches and told him, “These are divine fruits that only ripen once every three thousand years.” Here, presenting peaches implies the wish for longevity. This is also the reason why people today present peaches during birthdays for the elderly.

peaches offered as a birthday present(shou tao)

The longevity peach, or shòutáo (寿桃) in Chinese, is a mythical fruit in Chinese mythology that is said to grant immortality and extend one’s life span. According to the Taiping Yulan (太平御覧), a Chinese encyclopedia from the Song dynasty, the peach tree that produces the longevity peach grows in the northeast and reaches a height of 50 zhang (about 150 meters). The tree’s leaves are 8 chi (about 2.4 meters) long and 4 or 5 chi (about 1.2 to 1.5 meters) wide, and its fruit is 3 chi and 2 cun (about 1 meter) in diameter with a small and narrow pit. Eating the fruit is said to bring longevity.

The term “longevity peach” is also used to refer to peach-shaped pastries or decorations that are used in traditional Chinese celebrations to symbolize longevity. These pastries are typically made from flour, but fresh peaches can also be used. In Chinese mythology, the Queen Mother of the West (西王母) holds a peach banquet for the immortals, and the peach has since become a symbol of longevity in Chinese culture.

The custom of presenting peaches to wish someone a long life has a long history in Chinese culture. There are two different legends about its origins. According to one legend, Sun Bin (孙膑), a military strategist from the Warring States period, presented a longevity peach to his mother, which made her rejuvenate and become young again, inspiring others to follow suit. Another legend says that the custom of presenting peaches was inspired by the peach banquet held by the Queen Mother of the West.

So why are peaches used to symbolize longevity and called “longevity peaches”? First, peaches themselves are sweet, fresh, and high in fiber, and they contain vitamin E, which has anti-oxidant and anti-aging properties. The fruit sugar in peaches also has a nourishing and strengthening effect on the body, especially the fiber, which is good for common ailments in the elderly such as atherosclerosis and constipation. There is an old saying in Chinese culture that goes “peaches nourish people” and “it’s better to eat one fresh peach than a basket of rotten apricots.”

The Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing (神农本草经) states that “jade peaches grant immortality,” and the Shen Yi Jing (神异经) says that “the eastern tree named peach extends one’s life.” These books are summaries of the various folk beliefs and opinions on peaches. The Wang Zhen Nong Shu (王贞农书) states that peaches are the “essence of the five woods” and can drive out evil and support righteousness, which gives the custom of presenting peaches to wish someone longevity a positive connotation.

Peaches in the five elements

According to the theory of the five elements in Chinese culture, peaches belong to the wood element. Wood represents growth, vitality, and new beginnings. Therefore, peaches are often associated with good fortune, prosperity, and longevity.

In traditional Chinese medicine, peaches are also believed to have many health benefits, such as promoting digestion, improving blood circulation, and enhancing immunity.

Overall, peaches are highly regarded in Chinese culture and are often used in various traditions and celebrations to symbolize good luck and positive energy.


Peaches in Chinese medicine

Peaches are not only diverse in their varieties, but also have high nutritional and medicinal value. The “Yi Herbal Medicine” records that “mao peach, mountain peach, and sieo peach: leaves, flowers or tree gum can be used to treat sores, boils, abscesses, abdominal pain, bloating, edema, female emaciation, toothache, malaria, measles, cough and other conditions.” The “Dali Chronicles” also records that “peach kernels can be used to treat dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, abdominal masses, hot diseases with blood stasis, wind arthralgia, cough, contusions, and constipation due to blood dryness; peach leaves can be used to treat migraine, promote urination and defecation, and stop dysentery and abdominal pain; peach flowers can be used to treat edema, athlete’s foot, phlegm, stagnation, difficult urination, amenorrhea; tender branches can be used to treat abdominal pain and hemorrhoids; roots and stem bark can be used to treat jaundice, vomiting blood, bleeding, toothache, amenorrhea, boils, and hemorrhoids; and peach gum can be used to treat urinary and blood incontinence and dysentery.”

In addition, many medical books have recorded that “peaches have a sweet and sour taste, are neutral in nature, enter the liver and large intestine meridians, and have the effects of nourishing yin and generating fluids, moistening the intestines and promoting bowel movements, and calming asthma. They are used to treat deficiency of stomach yin, dry mouth and thirst, intestinal heat, and dry stools that are difficult to pass.”

This indicates that peaches have the effects of nourishing blood and qi, promoting digestion and bowel movements, and reducing edema. They can be used to treat constipation, bloating, edema, and other conditions.

In addition to its effects on nourishing blood and qi, promoting digestion and bowel movements, peaches can also be used for weight loss, body shaping, and beauty. Peaches are low in calories, rich in pectin and dietary fiber, which can increase satiety and promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, aiding digestion and bowel movements. Eating them regularly can help with weight loss and body shaping. Furthermore, they are rich in natural astringent substances, which can increase skin elasticity and prevent wrinkles. Additionally, peaches are rich in pectin, which can help the body eliminate toxins and prevent the formation of spots due to toxin accumulation.

Therefore, eating peaches regularly is very beneficial for human health.

Fresh peaches are nourishing mainly because of their mild nature and high nutritional value. In addition to containing various vitamins, fruit acids, and inorganic salts such as calcium and phosphorus, peaches have an iron content that is 4 to 6 times that of apples and pears. Peaches are delicious and juicy, and are mainly produced in the summer. They can be eaten directly, or used to make dishes, salads, desserts, and beverages.

Peaches not only have high nutritional value and medicinal value, but also play a very important role in Chinese traditional culture. In Chinese traditional culture, peaches are a multi-faceted symbol system. In people’s cultural concepts, peaches embody primitive beliefs in totem worship and reproductive worship, and have symbolic meanings of fertility, auspiciousness, and longevity.

Peaches are a treasure trove of medicinal benefits, as all parts of the tree, including the fruit, leaves, flowers, stems, hairs, and gum, can be used for therapeutic and cosmetic purposes, and for promoting longevity.

Peach kernel

As early as the mid-Shang Dynasty over 3000 years ago, the medicinal value of peach kernels was highly valued. The first Chinese herbal book, “Shennong Bencao Jing,” which dates back to the pre-Qin period, states that peach kernels “treat blood stasis, blood blockage, abdominal masses, evil spirits, and kill small insects.”

Today, peach kernels remain a fundamental medicine in traditional Chinese medicine. In addition to promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, moisturizing the intestines and relieving constipation, and relieving cough and asthma, modern research has shown that peach kernels can also promote uterine contraction and bleeding in primiparous women.

Peach kernel decoctions and extracts have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anti-allergic effects. Amygdalin in peach kernels has antitussive, expectorant, and anti-liver fibrosis effects. Peach kernels or their formulations are also used clinically to treat vasculitis, acute renal failure, acute and chronic nephritis, mental illness, pneumonia, coronary heart disease, and more.

Branches, leaves, and flowers

Jin Dynasty alchemist Ge Hong collected numerous folk recipes about peaches in his book “Zhouhou Beiji Fang,” such as “if one experiences sudden heart pain, take a handful of peach branches from the east, cut them into pieces, boil them with one liter of wine, and take half a liter of the decoction at once to achieve significant results” and “if one has a sore on their foot, pound peach leaves and mix with bitter wine to apply it as a poultice.”

Chen Yuanliang’s “Sui Shi Guang Ji” of the Song Dynasty also records that “on the third day of the third lunar month, drinking peach blossom wine can cure all illnesses and improve complexion.” “Improving complexion” means cosmetic benefits.

Ancient people were even superstitious about peach blossom spring water, believing that washing with it could turn them into handsome and beautiful people.

Li Shizhen, a famous medical expert in the Ming Dynasty, not only affirmed the cosmetic function of peach blossoms, saying that “the scent of peach blossoms is bitter and harmless, treating and killing evil spirits and giving people a good complexion, refreshing and nourishing their faces.” In his “Compendium of Materia Medica,” he also analyzed the medicinal uses of peach kernels, peach bark, peach roots, peach leaves, peach blossoms, peach hairs, peach gum, and their compatibility with other medicines for treating nearly a hundred common diseases, including gynecological and pediatric diseases.

The medicinal value of peaches has been revered by ancient people, who believed that they were a gift from heaven.


Peaches in Chinese food

Peaches have been a popular ingredient in Chinese cuisine for thousands of years, with a variety of uses in both sweet and savory dishes.

In savory dishes, peaches are often used to add a sweet and sour flavor to meat dishes, such as sweet and sour pork or beef with peaches. Peach juice or peach puree can also be used as a marinade for meat, adding flavor and tenderizing the meat.

In sweet dishes, peaches are often used in desserts such as peach cakes, peach jelly, and peach cobbler. Fresh peach slices are also commonly used to top yogurt or ice cream for a sweet and refreshing treat.

Peach blossoms are also used in Chinese cooking, particularly in the creation of tea. Peach blossom tea is made by steeping the blossoms in hot water, creating a fragrant and slightly sweet drink.

Overall, peaches are a versatile and flavorful ingredient in Chinese cuisine, adding both sweetness and acidity to a wide range of dishes.


Peaches and what are they against

Generally, peaches are incompatible with foods such as soft-shelled turtle, dog meat, and seafood.

Soft-shelled turtle: Soft-shelled turtle is a nourishing and greasy food that is not easily digested. Peaches can cause bloating and if eaten together with soft-shelled turtle, it can lead to diarrhea. For patients with poor gastrointestinal function, eating peaches and soft-shelled turtle together may worsen their symptoms.

Dog meat: Dog meat is a hot-natured food that can tonify the spleen and warm the stomach, and enhance kidney yang. It is suitable for patients with kidney yang deficiency. If peaches are eaten with dog meat, it can trigger old diseases or cause inflammation.

Seafood: Seafood is rich in protein, while peaches contain dietary fiber and tannic acid. Eating seafood and peaches together can cause a chemical reaction, which can form deposits in the body and lead to the formation of stones. It may even cause toxic reactions, such as dizziness and vomiting, which are not conducive to good health. It is recommended to eat peaches at least four hours after eating seafood to help the body digest and absorb food properly and avoid burdening the digestive system.


peach gum

Peach gum, also known as peach resin or peach blossom tears, is a natural resinous gum that is secreted from peach trees in response to injury. It is commonly used in Chinese cuisine and traditional Chinese medicine for its health benefits.

In Chinese cuisine, peach gum is often used as a dessert ingredient. It is first soaked in water to soften it, then added to dishes such as sweet soups, puddings, and drinks. Peach gum is known for its gelatinous texture and is often compared to bird’s nest and collagen.

In traditional Chinese medicine, peach gum is believed to have nourishing and moisturizing properties, benefiting the lungs, skin, and digestive system. It is commonly used to treat dry coughs, constipation, and other ailments related to dryness in the body.

Peach gum has gained popularity in recent years as a health food and supplement, and can be found in various forms such as dried, packaged, and in capsules.


Peaches in Taoism

In Taoism, peaches hold special significance and are considered a symbol of longevity, immortality, and good luck. The peach is said to be a fruit of the gods and is closely associated with the Taoist concept of immortality.

According to Taoist mythology, the Queen Mother of the West, an important figure in Taoism, grows a peach tree in her garden that produces peaches every thousand years. The peaches are said to grant immortality to those who eat them, and the Queen Mother of the West distributes the peaches to her followers.

In Taoist art, peaches are often depicted as a symbol of immortality and are commonly featured in paintings, sculptures, and other artwork. Peach trees and peach blossoms are also used as decorative motifs in traditional Chinese architecture, clothing, and other objects.

There are many references to peaches in Taoist classics. In Ge Hong’s “Inner Chapter of Emperor Wu of Han”, there is a story about Dongfang Shuo stealing three immortal peaches from Xi Wangmu and increasing his lifespan. Xi Wangmu often gave out elixirs of immortality in ancient books from the pre-Qin period, and by the Wei and Jin dynasties, it had become popularized through Taoist propaganda that consuming immortal peaches could lead to eternal life. Immortality is a symbol of becoming a celestial being, and at least during the Eastern Jin Dynasty, peaches were already considered a food that could make people immortal.

In addition, Zhuangzi claimed that peach branches could drive away evil spirits, the Taiping Jing recorded that eating peaches could increase one’s lifespan, and the Dunjia Tian Shu described a method for making elixirs using peaches. The Zhengyi Jing expounded that peaches were a symbol of the center of the five organs and could replenish the “heart.” The Shen Yi Jing and Guang Cheng Shi Yi Ji also mentioned the belief that eating peaches could grant longevity that was shared with heaven and earth. Later on, peaches played a significant symbolic role in Taoist scriptures and Taoist rituals. Many Taoist priests would use peach wood tools, such as peach-wood swords, bows, seals, etc., during rituals. The symbols of peaches were also used in the drawing of talismans, such as a variety of peach talismans that were mainly for warding off disasters, expelling demons, and seeking love, such as the “peach blossom talisman.” These symbols of peaches have become one of the symbols of Taoism, and many people still believe in them today.

In Taoist philosophy, the peach represents the harmony between nature and humanity, and the sweetness of the peach is seen as a symbol of the sweetness of life. Taoist practitioners may use peaches or peach wood in rituals and ceremonies to promote health, longevity, and good fortune.


Peaches in Confucianism

In Confucianism, the peach is considered a symbol of longevity and immortality. The famous philosopher Confucius himself is said to have planted a peach tree in his garden, which became a place for him and his disciples to gather and discuss important matters.

In the book of “Li Ji” or “The Book of Rites”, which is one of the Confucian classics, there is a chapter called “The Peach Festival”, which describes an annual ceremony in which the emperor offers sacrifices to the ancestors and eats peaches as a symbol of longevity. It is also mentioned in this chapter that eating peaches can prevent illness and prolong life.

Moreover, Confucianism also values the peach blossom as a symbol of virtue and moral character. In Confucian culture, a person with a pure and noble character is often compared to the peach blossom, which blooms brightly and beautifully in the midst of harsh winter conditions.

The expression “Confucius eating peaches” is used to metaphorically describe hypocritical etiquette and cumbersome formalities, or to ridicule pedantry. This comes from “Han Feizi – Outer Chapter, Lower Discourses”.

Once, Confucius was sitting with Duke Ai of Lu when the Duke offered him peaches and millet. Confucius ate the millet first and then began to eat the peaches. The people around Duke Ai saw Confucius’s behavior as rude and laughed. Duke Ai explained, “The millet is for wiping the peach fuzz.” Confucius replied, “I know that. However, millet is the highest grain, and is used as a top offering to worship the ancestors. There are six types of fruits, and the peach is the lowest in status. It cannot be offered as a sacrifice to the ancestors. I have heard that people with good manners use lowly things to wipe expensive things. If we use the highest grain to wipe the lowest fruit, it is like having a noble person do things for a humble person. I think this goes against the hierarchy of superior and inferior, so I dare not elevate the peach to the status of a sacrifice in the ancestral temple!”

In summary, the peach has a significant place in Confucianism as a symbol of longevity, immortality, and virtue.


Peaches in Buddhism

Peaches do not hold as significant a role in Buddhism as they do in Taoism. However, there are some references to peaches in Buddhist texts and iconography.

In some Buddhist scriptures, peaches are used as a symbol of immortality and enlightenment, similar to their symbolism in Taoism. In the Lotus Sutra, a Buddhist scripture, the Buddha is said to have imparted teachings under a peach tree. In some Buddhist art, peaches are depicted as an offering made to the Buddha.

Buddhism originated in the ancient region of India and was introduced to China during the Eastern Han dynasty through the western regions. In the early Buddhist scriptures and teachings, there is no mention of peaches, indicating that peaches were not present in India at that time. However, as Buddhism spread in China, it absorbed many cultural symbols unique to China, including the peach.

The “Pan Tao Jing” (Peach Grove Sutra), compiled by the Southern Dynasty monk Guangzhi and his disciples, can be seen as a concrete embodiment of how Buddhism in China combined with the cultural symbol of “peach”. In this sutra, Guangzhi and his disciples discuss how they meditated and attained enlightenment in the peach grove, as well as the relationship between peaches and Buddhism. Unlike other areas where Buddhism spread around the world, the unique peach wood and peach pit prayer beads in China also have a deep historical connection with Guangzhi’s “Pan Tao Jing”. In addition, many temples have carved peaches and peach trees on their beams and columns, symbolizing the vastness of Buddhist teachings and longevity with the heavens and the earth. During the Song dynasty, the eminent monk Helin combined Taoist music and ritual practices, invented and improved various Buddhist instruments, and decorated them with peach imagery, such as gongs, bells, and wooden fish.

Overall, the significance of peaches in Buddhism is not as prominent as in Taoism, but they still hold a symbolic meaning in some Buddhist scriptures and artwork.


Peach Wood Sword

The peachwood sword is a Taoist ritual implement and is also believed to have the function of warding off evil, bringing good luck, dispelling bad luck, and attracting wealth in traditional Chinese customs. In its production, natural peachwood is usually selected and hand-carved (although in modern times, machine carving is often used to save costs). As peachwood is considered one of the five fine woods and a divine wood, it is believed to have the ability to dispel evil and protect homes. Thus, the peachwood sword is considered to have this kind of power.


peach patterns

Peach patterns are a common motif in traditional Chinese art and design, often used to represent longevity, good fortune, and prosperity. In addition to their use in art and textiles, peach patterns can also be found in architecture, particularly in the decorative carvings on pillars and eaves of buildings. The peach symbolizes a variety of positive attributes in Chinese culture, including immortality, good health, and abundance. The peach’s round shape and rosy color are also seen as auspicious and harmonious, representing balance and completeness. In many Chinese festivals and celebrations, peach patterns and imagery are often used to decorate homes and public spaces as a way to bring good luck and blessings.


peaches story

Story 1

Legend has it that at the age of 18, Sun Bin left his hometown and traveled a thousand miles to Yunmeng Mountain to study military strategy under the guidance of Guiguzi. He stayed there for 12 years, and on his mother’s 80th birthday, his master picked a peach and gave it to Sun Bin to take back to his mother as a birthday gift. To his surprise, after his mother ate the peach, her appearance became younger.

This shows that in mythological stories, peach is a divine fruit, which may be why we steam peach buns to celebrate elderly people’s birthdays.

Story 2

According to legend, after Liu Bang suffered a major defeat in Peixian, the Qin army began to clear out the “remnants of the rebel army” everywhere. Liu Bang had no choice but to head south and go to Xiaoxian to ensure his safety. However, the Qin army continued to pursue him, and just as Liu Bang was about to give up hope, he suddenly saw a mountain cave in front of him and rushed into it to avoid the pursuit. For several consecutive days without food, he was hungry and desperate. Then, he suddenly saw a peach orchard on the mountain slope outside the cave. Even in the bad weather at the time, Liu Bang could see the large, round, and beautifully colored peaches on the peach trees.

After the Qin army left, Liu Bang picked a few big peaches. They were crisp, fragrant, and sweet, and the peach aroma lingered in his mouth, leaving a lasting aftertaste. After coming down from the mountain, he regrouped and defeated the Qin army with three thousand young soldiers, and then went on to continue his journey without interruption.

In the second year of the Han Dynasty, during the Battle of Pengcheng, Liu Bang suffered a defeat against Xiang Yu and sought refuge in the same cave to eat fresh peaches and fill his stomach. He then regrouped and went on to establish the prosperous Western Han Dynasty.

Story 3

According to folk tales, in the late Yuan Dynasty, a 17-year-old novice monk named Zhu Yuanzhang traveled to Huai Xi. He had been begging for food to survive, and when he arrived at the entrance of the “Imperial Cave”, he was already starving and thirsty. He immediately followed suit and ate several “large and plump” peaches in the peach grove.

Story 4:

During the Spring and Autumn period of ancient China, there were three meritorious officials under the rule of Duke Jing of Qi: Gongsun Jie, Tian Kaijiang, and Guyezi. They were all brave and arrogant, and even the prime minister Yan Ying was not respected by them. Yan Ying wanted to get rid of the three of them, so he asked Duke Jing to give them two peaches and let them divide them based on their merits.

Gongsun Jie and Tian Kaijiang wanted to keep the two peaches for themselves, so they quickly announced their own merits. However, Guyezi said that his contribution was the greatest. He followed the king across the Yellow River and a large turtle dragged the king’s horse into the water. Guyezi braved the strong current and killed the turtle with his sword. After hearing Guyezi’s story, Gongsun Jie and Tian Kaijiang felt ashamed and committed suicide by sword. As for Guyezi, he put down the peaches and also killed himself out of shame for his actions.

Story 5:

“The Oath of the Peach Garden” is a story about Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei who made an oath to work together to accomplish a great mission in a garden full of blooming peach blossoms. All of these add a rich and colorful touch to the sacred existence of the peach in folklore.


Peaches vs peanut

In Chinese culture, peaches and peanuts are both significant and have different symbolic meanings.

Peaches are often associated with longevity, good health, and immortality in Chinese culture. The peach tree is believed to be a sacred tree that can ward off evil spirits and bring blessings. Peaches are also often depicted in Chinese mythology as a symbol of immortality and are believed to grant eternal life to those who eat them. In addition, peaches are a popular gift during traditional Chinese festivals, such as the Mid-Autumn Festival, as a symbol of good luck and prosperity.

Peanuts, on the other hand, are a symbol of abundance and fertility. In traditional Chinese medicine, peanuts are believed to have a warming effect on the body and to nourish the blood. Therefore, they are often included in medicinal prescriptions for treating various ailments. In addition, peanuts are a common offering to ancestors and deities during Chinese festivals and rituals, as they are believed to bring good luck and prosperity to the family.

Overall, while both peaches and peanuts are valued in Chinese culture, their symbolic meanings are distinct. Peaches are associated with longevity and immortality, while peanuts represent abundance and fertility.


Peaches vs walnut

In Chinese culture, peaches and walnuts both have symbolic significance.

Peaches are often associated with longevity, good health, and immortality. In Chinese mythology, peaches were believed to be the fruit of the gods that granted immortality. The Taoist immortal Xiwangmu, or the Queen Mother of the West, was often depicted holding a peach or standing in a peach garden. In traditional Chinese medicine, peaches are believed to have various health benefits, such as nourishing the blood and calming the mind. During the Chinese New Year, peach blossoms are often used as decorations to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits.

On the other hand, walnuts are often associated with intelligence, wisdom, and fertility. In ancient times, walnuts were believed to resemble the human brain and were thought to improve cognitive function. In Chinese medicine, walnuts are also believed to have various health benefits, such as promoting kidney and lung health. In some Chinese regions, walnuts are used in wedding ceremonies as a symbol of fertility and prosperity.

In terms of culinary uses, peaches are often used in desserts, such as peach buns and peach cakes, while walnuts are often used in savory dishes, such as stir-fried vegetables and meat dishes. Both peaches and walnuts are popular ingredients in Chinese cuisine and are enjoyed for their unique flavors and health benefits.


Peaches vs apple

In Chinese culture, peaches and apples are both important fruits with symbolic meanings.

Peaches, or tao (桃) in Chinese, have been highly valued since ancient times and are often associated with longevity, good health, and immortality. According to Chinese mythology, peaches grew in the orchard of the Queen Mother of the West, and eating them would bestow longevity. Peaches are also a symbol of marriage and fertility, and are often used in wedding ceremonies.

On the other hand, apples, or pingguo (苹果) in Chinese, are a relatively newer fruit in Chinese culture, but they have gained popularity in recent years. In Chinese culture, apples are associated with peace and harmony, as the word for apple, ping (平), also means “peaceful” or “calm” in Chinese. Apples are also a symbol of good luck and prosperity, as the word for apple sounds similar to the word for “to have” or “possess” in Chinese.

In terms of symbolism, peaches are often associated with more spiritual and mythical concepts, while apples are more closely associated with practical and everyday concepts. However, both fruits are beloved in Chinese culture and play important roles in various traditions and celebrations.


what does Peaches mean in a dream?

  • Dreaming of someone giving you peaches indicates that you will receive an inheritance.
  • Dreaming of eating peaches is a good omen, indicating that your health will be very good.
  • Dreaming of eating peaches indicates caution in the stock market, as it may have a downturn.
  • If a patient dreams of eating peaches, it suggests that their condition will become more serious.
  • Dreaming of picking peaches from a tree indicates that you will soon have good luck.
  • Dreaming of picking peaches from a tree suggests that your luck will turn soon.
  • Dreaming of picking peaches from a tree indicates that you will have good luck soon.
  • Dreaming of rotten peaches suggests that you may encounter failure. If a man dreams of eating rotten peaches, it may indicate a period of embarrassment and depression and may rely on others to maintain their livelihood.
  • Dreaming of rotten peaches indicates failure.
  • If an unmarried man dreams of giving peaches to his lover, it indicates that they will get married.
  • If an unmarried man dreams of giving peaches to his lover, it indicates that they will receive their love.
  • Dreaming of giving peaches to a friend indicates that your friendship will deepen.
  • Dreaming of giving peaches to a friend indicates that your friendship will increase. If an unemployed person dreams of giving peaches to someone, they may find a good job.
  • If a merchant dreams of selling peaches, it suggests that their business will be successful, and they will have abundant wealth.
  • Dreaming of a stranger giving you peaches suggests that you will inherit wealth.
  • Dreaming of giving peaches to a friend indicates that your friendship will deepen.
  • In the dream, peaches symbolize precious auspiciousness, health, and longevity. Dreaming of peaches indicates that you will have good financial luck. In addition, from the perspective of Western psychoanalysis, plump and juicy peaches also have a symbolic meaning of sexual desire.
  • Dreaming of peaches indicates that you will have abundant wealth soon.

In conclusion, peaches hold a special place in Chinese culture, symbolizing longevity, prosperity, love, and good health. The peach tree and its fruit have been revered for thousands of years and continue to be an important part of Chinese mythology and culture. From art to literature to traditional medicine, the symbolism of peaches is pervasive in Chinese society, and it is unlikely to diminish anytime soon.

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