The lotus flower, with the scientific name of Nelumbo nuciferica, has a unique shape with beautiful curved petals and pistils that look like a star dot. The flowers of this plant are pink and lilac, and fine yellow and green leaves accompany them. This gorgeous flower is widely planted in China and is significant in Chinese culture. Those who have interacted with the Chinese culture are curious to know the symbol of this flower in Chinese. Read on to find out.
Does china have lotus flowers?

China has lotus flowers as it is widely planted in that country. It is among the few countries where lotus flowers grow. This flower is symbolic in china and is also used for medicinal purposes. The roots of this flower represent strength and resilience. Furthermore, the lotus flower is used in China for spiritual healing and medicine and is also a spice in food.
Is lotus flower Chinese or Japanese?
The lotus flower can be found in both China and Japan and is a sacred flower with a spiritual meaning because of Buddhism. It also has medicinal purposes in traditional Chinese medicine and is viewed as a national flower in Thailand. Its history can, however, be tracked down to the diluvian epoch. This formation in central Japan involves fruits and fossil rhizomes of lotus. This flower is believed to have first grown in central Egypt and became popular in Japan during the seventh century. While in Japan, this flower was hybridized by yellow-flowed lotus from North America to create an ornamental lotus. Therefore, this flower is grown in China and Japan but has different symbols and uses in the two countries.
Where do lotus flowers grow in china?
Lotus flower is widely planted in China from Taiwan, south of Hainan Island, Xinjian, and north of Heilongjiang, to the north of Tianshan mountains. This flower was imported to China about 1300 years ago from India. Today, China grows over 70% of lotus used for human consumption, and this flower was recently discovered near Cheng-chou.
Lotus flower meaning in Chinese culture?
The lotus flower originates from Buddhism and is among the most valued things in the religion. This flower is believed to bloom in Beijing on Buddha’s birthday, on the 8th of April. The Chinese perceive the lotus flower as the gentleman of all flowers because of how it grows and blooms. They believe that this flower comes out of the land unstained and pure. Because of how it grows, the Chinese have put meaning to this flower to reflect resilience and the ultimate purity of the mind and heart.
Furthermore, Buddhist believe that Buddha came to earth floating on a lotus, and where he stepped, the lotus flower grew. On the other hand, Taoism also influences the meaning of the lotus flower in china. They believe that Ho Hsien Ku is among the eight immortals who rule the universe, and the lotus represents his wisdom. Therefore, the lotus flower gets its meaning from these two religions, as they are the most dominant religions in china.
Why is the lotus flower important in china?
The lotus flower is important in china for several reasons, including food usage, marriage, and religious symbolism. In Buddhism, this flower reflects faithfulness, spiritual awakening, and purity. Buddhism relates how the lotus grows from the mad unstained to finding your foot amidst challenges. Rising from any struggle you might face and rising towards the light of wisdom.
However, the lotus’s importance and symbol depend on the flower’s color. For example, blue lotuses represent the victory of the spirit over wisdom and knowledge. Those white in color symbolize purity, while a red lotus flower signifies compassion and love. The purple lotus flowers are taken seriously in china as they have a deeper meaning in Buddhism. The purple lotus is among the eight precious things in Buddhism and is referred to as the Noble Eightfold path. However, the lotus flower’s primary color is pink, which gives an essential sense.
What is the lotus flower in Chinese medicine?
The lotus flower is referred to as Lian Hua in traditional Chinese medicine. The Chinese use this flower to treat bleeding discords, fevers, and irritability. Further, this flower’s stems, leaves, and seeds are also used in traditional china medicine for holistic healing.
Furthermore, the lotus flower is not only medicinal in Chinese culture but has been proven effective in handling some conditions in the body. First, the lotus flower is rich in polyphenols and antioxidants; hence can be used in skincare to make anti-aging products. This flower extract has skin-balancing properties that help balance the body’s sebum production, hence regulating acne. Furthermore, research indicates that the seed extracts of this flower can be used as a cosmetic agent in whitening or as an anti-wrinkle product.
What does the lotus root symbolize in Chinese?

The lotus flower symbolizes strength and breakthroughs amidst the challenges in life. This is because the lotus flower’s roots do not just emerge easily. When the roots of this flower begin to emerge, they are under ponds and lakes. Mud, fish, and insects are not favorable for their growth. Generally, this root sprouts despite the overcast conditions that exist when it is growing. It eventually grows, frees itself from the harsh conditions below the water, and becomes a beautiful flower. Many ancient Chinese poems reflect these roots that bloom gorgeously and unstained.
Lotus root is a popular ingredient in Chinese cuisine and holds significant meaning in Chinese culture. The lotus plant, including its root, leaves, and flower, is considered a symbol of purity, enlightenment, and rebirth.
In Chinese culture, the lotus root is believed to have medicinal properties and is used to treat various ailments. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, including iron, calcium, and fiber, and is believed to help improve digestion and boost immunity.
The lotus root is also highly regarded for its symbolism. The holes in the lotus root represent the ability to see through obstacles and gain clarity, while the interconnectedness of the root symbolizes the unity and harmony of family and community.
Furthermore, the lotus root’s pinkish hue is associated with love and romance in Chinese culture, making it a popular ingredient in dishes served at weddings and other romantic occasions.
The lotus flower is significant and symbolic in Chinese culture due to its importance in Buddhism and Taoism. Every part of this flower is important and has meaning or use in Chinese traditions. The seeds of this flower can be consumed raw, lotus leaves are used when cooking pork or chicken, and soup extracted from the seeds is good for our health. Furthermore, this flower is also used as a medicine and spiritual healing tool in traditional Chinese medicine. Above all, it symbolizes strength, love, spiritual awakening, and resilience.